Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Think I have a Hillbilly Soul??

Sitting here staring at a stack of paper and not too terribly interested. So I blog

The river/birthday weekend went well...I still wish Float fest would have happened this year again in Tahlequah Ok...that was a so much better (river and music wise)...but the good thing about this particular trip was the peeps and the accommodations. We stayed for those that are vagly familiar with the Guad right above the third crossing. We had a view of the river and it was very well shaded and actually a pretty nice place. The smell of the well water was rather sulphuric but did the trick. So Friday we arrived after a nice ride down with the Cowboycrusher and Tiff...basically waiting on Craigers to get there because Tiff's friend from Houston (Sharon) had already arrived and kicked the door down. Actually she just had to push hard but it was a little sticky. Cool girl by the way and I was real impressed with how she managed to fit in with the diverse crowd. The door was a little tricky to open..I had to put my back into it..Then we snagged some lawn chairs and a few handfuls of beer and headed down the embankment or cliff what have you.. to the river...it was cold at first but felt great once you stayed in it. So the plan was to go eat at the Gristmill but because of all the late arrivals it was almost 9:00 and Ryan Bingham was going on at 9...so graciously Tiff decided to eat at the bar instead..so with back seats all full in everyone's cars...we all hopped in the big rig of "said" Hanes.

Ryan actually put on a great show..he was playing with a mandolin player and a snare drum backing him. Its been brought to my attention that I need to start paying better attention to my surroundings while the artist is performing. I'm rude and I don't talk to anyone while the music is playing.. I will admit to paying close attention and I guess under a normal bar setting I could get a little more friendly with my neighbours. So Friday night turned into me getting a little excited as I seem to do when I get a little intoxicated and I ended up running down to the river and laying in it with a flashlight...Hmm strange I know. Then a serious rasteling match took place...I was sound asleep in the usual "boxers" attire...sorry Courtney no thong over here...and someone probably the gaycrusher jumped on me and started asking for trouble the next thing I know...it's beatdown on Craig style!! Haymakers are flying everywhere and here are three supposedly grown men giggling like girls(especially Wayne) chunking each other down the rock stairs and so on...And for some reason Wayne and I were screaming "Amos says" "Amos Says"...I still don't remember that part! Well Tiff managed to get the whole thing or most of it on video..priceless to see Wayne's frog leap into the pile..And Sharon in the back ground going "oh gross someone's thigh"...just be glad it was only my white thigh...We will have to make this video available to the public soon.

Ok with all that said Saturday started off well lets say rather interesting. We just couldn't seem to all get going fast enough for the speedy peeps..so with the back seats full...some left a little early and decided to float the river by themselves...So "10" minutes later we all left for the the tube stop. Rented tubes filled up on ice and we were off. Should only take you four hours to float...my ass!! 7 and a half hours later we finally reached our destination...But fun was had by all! What a blast! I bounced off a few rocks at the second to last rapid section and it really didn't feel too hot. Saturday night we sat around and grilled and listened to music. Really relaxing weekend.

Oh and before I continue someone forgot to pay over the weekend..you know who you are and don't make me send a menorah knee breakin' crew after you boy....ahh..or girl..identity protection is in place

I think the tubing days may soon be coming to an end though. The raft idea looks so much cooler! Oh and how could I forget the Ed Burleson experience..the crazy Canadian screams out..hey that's Ed Burleson.."What's up Ed?" He responds with a little singing rendition of "Honky Tonk heart and a hillbilly soul"!!!...and I respond with "gets me in trouble everywhere I go..." Perschiate that one!! I'd a looked like a big idiot if there was no response..well I normally look like a big idiot anyhow..not a big deal..

Thursday, June 23, 2005

For Every Good Neighbour...Mix In a Tird!!

Blogger's Block..nahhh..just actually been real busy at work and in the personal life. So off to another race...non NASCAR affiliated...we continue.

Conversation from 6 months ago with owner of house next to mine....."Oh yeah the people buying the house are a good Christian couple!!"

There's nothing really more uncomfortable then coming home to your psycho neighbour standing there with a water hose in his hand and a goofy grin with a 1310 the ticket t-shirt on(4 sizes too small). Picture stretched cotton at its breaking point.. Oh and don't forget the newly installed (KEEP OUT Private Property) sign with classy red reflectors that really welcomes everyone when they come for a visit. Oh wait nobody ever visits these people. I wouldn't either! Whoa! Some people just give you a weird feeling. Well I'm going to say it on here now..if something ever happens you heard it here and you can show this to the police. They have some kind of a mask that lurks in the window between the blinds that stares right into my kitchen window? At first I thought the weirdo was checking me out in my boxers one morning then I realized I'm not that good looking. Actually I paid a little closer attention to what it might be and discovered it to be some sort of a mask? Then I got a call from a buddy who's wife cleans my house and said she was freaked out because someone was staring at her in my kitchen window. So what do I do? I'm thinking of getting a mask of my own and strategically placing it somewhere. I was thinking maybe the lone ranger..but I'm open to suggestions!! One day he says"yeah you should take me hunting some time" sure thing dildo..I'll have Wayne's Body repair guy waiting on the end of his 40' "peter"built.

Eaglesmith in town...McClure in town...Linville in town...and I have to coach..that sucks!

Well it appears that I may be living solo for the time being. The potential roommate seems to not be feasible. So I wait on the Gypsy Rambler but better known as the "Cowboy Crusher" to settle down. Talk about playing some terrible odds. It appears he may be coming off the road sometime in January for sure but possibly earlier..so I'll keep my spurs crossed.

Off to the river for the weekend to Celebrate Tiff's Birthday in style! She has informed me that she hates surprises but I've gone out on a pecan limb and come up with a scheme..I'll update later as to not ruin the surprise factor. Hopefully they have a tube structurally sound enough to support my fat ass. Get back to work slackers! Quit reading blogs

Monday, June 20, 2005

Greatest Line I've heard in a while...

So Tiff's parents came to town over the weekend for father's day and to celebrate her bday(which is really next weekend). We packed up loaded down and headed to Cabela's. Quite possibly the greatest man shop in the world. Spent about another oh I don't know four hours or so. Ate lunch and then drooled all over everything there. Found a pair of micro fleece pants to wear under my waders for those cold mountain streams that I'm about to visit here in a month. Thats right one month and two days. Oh so the greatest line I've heard in a while was this guy standing in line in front of me at cabela's waiting to check out. He said to the cashier "Now my wife knows whats its like when I have to go shopping with her...she's been ready to go for two hours"..I laughed and told him he was right!! Bill returns today and I'm sure I have a scheduled drinking night one night this week before we leave for the river. Well lets see the roomate threw a big party saturday night and managed to completely piss off my neighbours...I swear this kid has no brain but would make one hell of a punching bag. Gotta run..till next time

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Hiya Hiya

"I wake up in the morning, turn on the TV
I got’s to get my daily dose of misery"
Brandon Jenkins

Well that day may soon be ending. The day I go back to not watching TV. Yes call it what you will but to me..the TV is nothing more than a mind pollutant. For those of you that know..I didn't have TV until the roommate moved in..well he's about done. I go no further than its time..time to get a gun..ha. Consequently Gregg Richel called the other day and wondered if I still was in the market for a roommate. Great timing. Gregg should be in around the beginning of August or so. What this means is the old dusty guitar will finally have someone to do something other than crash on it. Not sure if everyone knows Gregg but you should recognize him. So is it time to fish or what...the blood is boiling..I'm really getting desperate..today I printed off the main bugs off the guadalupe in hopes of wetting a line on the float trip next weekend. I know what you are thinking...no I won't be fishing while floating with the crowd I know that...but I'm hoping to get up early Saturday morning and give it a fair shake. Maybe even Friday night if possible.

Do you know a Village Idiot? I do

"I wanna see your smile through a pay phone... Lights that shine are caustic without you." - Jay Farrar

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Father's Day

With fathers day just around the corner I wanted to share a little about the pops. And what all comes to my mind. Obviously certain childhood memories come to mind. One fishing trip in particular with my brother,dad and uncle. I want to say it was Island Lake but I can't remember..very typical in a four wheel drive truck the uncle Bruce had...we loaded up a little aluminum boat and took off. Had to off road and get stuck(also a very typical scenario for a Canadian fishing trip)..I remember camping out on an island with tents and all...Cooking breakfast on the skillet and fishing all day..also my first wooden ladder streched across two logs bathroom experience...Great Memory

My parents first purchased a lot on Lake Huron when we were real young..think my earliest memories was staying in an old pop up camper(brown canvas walls)..this was before the construction of the camp..I can remember my dad,gradfather and uncles all building the camp..good times. And probably my favorite dad quote from the camp days was "Just eat it...that's how the Indians used to eat it..."HA He had been cutting down Birch/Poplar trees(the Canadian equivalent to cottonwood trees) all day and my mom was making cream of mushroom soup not just any old Campbell's but the Knorr kind with milk and all(way better)..and a bunch of the saw dust and shavings somehow got in the soup..And I ate it because surely if the Indians could do it I could right? Ha

And growing up with a fairly strict set of parents how could I forget the day he sat me down and said "there has never been any drinking in this family and there never will be" hmm..that was interesting for a mischievous teenager to hear. I really pushed my luck and his buttons at this point in my life. Well with plenty of maturity and family progression..I brought a bunch of you damn Texans home to the motherland to experience the whole outdoor Canadian winter/hockey experience. By this point in time the parents accepted the fact that I drank (just a little right)..and I will never forget the day we(the boys) were all sitting in the basement after just playing some outdoor hockey with a fresh case of molson..thinking hmm...we need some ice..Dad steps up and goes outside and fills the cooler full of fresh snow..Priceless!!

Or how about the time when I was really cool..and I was playing high school hockey at the time..just got out of school and decided to fire up a smoke with the boys in front of the school..(smoking in Canada was way more tolerated...we even had a smoking section)..well the idiot I was at the time forgot that my parents were bringing me a new stick for the game that night and were sitting in the parking lot(backed in their parking spot of course...the only way Scotty parks...something to do with it being the law? Never have understood that one..Ha) so here I am blowing smoke out when I look up and there's Scotty just shaking his head..ahh the memories

So here's to you Scotty! Happy Fathers Day!!

Old man, look at my life;
I'm a lot like you were.
Old man, look at my life;
I'm a lot like you were.

Old man, look at my life,
twenty-four and there's so much more.
Live alone in a paradise
that makes me think of two.

Love lost, such a cost,
give me things that don't get lost
like a coin that won't get tossed,
rollin' home to you.

Old man, take a look at my life;
I'm a lot like you.
I need someone to love me the whole day through.
Oh one look in my eyes
and you can tell that's true.

Lullabies look in your eyes,
run around the same old town,
doesn't mean that much to me
to mean that much to you.

I've been first and last;
look at how the time goes past.
But I'm all alone at last,
rollin' home to you.

Old man, take a look at my life;
I'm a lot like you.
I need someone to love me the whole day through.
Oh one look in my eyes
and you can tell that's true.

Old man, look at my life;
I'm a lot like you were.
Old man, look at my life;
I'm a lot like you were.

words & music by Neil Young


Dogs. For those of you dog owners you will know where this stems from. We all dread the day. Well unfortuneatley it has happened to a good friend. Bryan I feel for you man! I still recall the day Bill's(neighbour) dog Missy died. I was out of town and she had was basically overtaken with cancer. She was a 12 year old english setter(black and white) and was an amazing bird dog. I'm just glad I got to see her actually sit on a point. Bill would tell me stories that in her prime she was so fast she would actually skid into birds and lay down with the birds right on her nose. That was a sad day...I recall I burned him a song that could choke anyone up. A Fred Eaglesmith song about a "good dog"..check it out if you have a chance.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

World Series Link

This link will take you to the college world series bracket. Three teams of the eight total are from the big 12. Not a bad showing huh?

Monday, June 13, 2005

Lord I was born a ramblin' man...

Extended coverage I suppose has my interest peaked with this years college baseball (super regionals). I guess in the past the actual world series has been a definite. But for some reason this year I'm loving the action. And seeing someone like the Oregon State "Beavers" beating that California school that it pains me to even type...so I won't. I guess that's the beauty of baseball at any given night anything can happen. And at the college level I personally know that the drug screening is a lot more extensive so here we are with equal athletes competing with heart. And as its being biasedly noted to me right now. Congrats to the growling bears of Baylor.
The JACKO Trial...All I'm going to say is finally. Its over. What is wrong with our society? People actually care about this nut job? To those with kids...turn the tv off...that is probably the best advise that I could ever give anyone. Seriously get outside and play...Referring back to the infamous kid at the pet smart get a life and quit being so lazy.
My new addiction I think is lamb. Well I've always loved it but for whatever reason I haven't always cooked it. Probably because in the college days the Ramen Noodles were slightly cheaper.
Gave both dogs a much needed bath tonight. I suppose if I was a dog and it was this hot I'd find a nice cool place in the dirt as well.
So the plan for the week is as follows: Hockey practice Wednesday night..Thursday night game in Farmers Branch and from there I think it over to see the Burtschi's(The LinvilleMolester) cracked me up today actually as of late. Eric from the MMB has been editing photo's in photoshop and making some quality numbers...go check it out. Then Friday is kind of up in the air...really want to go to Woodys but may not have much of a supporting cast. I know the Stoney experience is at gilley's...and damn it McMurtry is at Dan's Silver Leaf(cool bar by the way) no mechanical bull in here!! Alright I'm sure I've managed to ramble away most of you so if you are reading this I'm impressed. If you've gotten this far..you kick ass. Goodnight
Oh and the Alhman Brothers Band...hmmm..we need to blog about that real soon eh

Friday, June 10, 2005

Pay Homage

"Comes A Time
Comes a time when you're driftin'
Come a time when you settle down
Comes a light feelin's liftin'
Lift that baby right up off the ground
Chorus: Oh, this old world keeps spinning round
It's a wonder tall trees ain't layin' down
There comes a time
You and I we were captured
Comes a time when you settle down
We were right we were giving
That's how we kept what we gave away
Chorus: Oh, this old world keeps spinning round
It's a wonder tall trees ain't layin' down
There comes a time."

Neil Young

...Every now and again I can't get something out of my head. This song has been ringing in my head all week. Fully completely lyrically genius. If we could all just convey feelings as such. A particular time does come in everyone's life..ahh no sense in breaking it down just sing along and relate floks. Its real easy. Like pouring milk on your frosted flakes. And for everyone it should take its own shape but you have to feel it within. Ok I can't resist...just read the 2 lines..."We were right we were giving...That's how we kept what we gave away" and think about it..very powerful!! So you see my form of inspiration in any given day does draw significantly from music but not always. Sometimes its something I see or just plain feel. So tell me whats inspiring you today? Have to love the days that you wake up smiling and eager.
"I still love rock'n'roll and I love to play the songs in my set that are sort of rock'n'roll, but I don't see a future for me there." Neil Young
For those that pay attention to our little music world..who does this sound like?

Have a great weekend and remember "There comes a time"

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Happy Happy Country Country....

Happy happy country country....somethin' snappy something funny...happy country music's gonna make everyone feel alright.(Jack Ingram) That song kind of sums up a whole industry I suppose. I can see it now...major record label sits down and says..son you've got to sing this song..it just fits the image we are looking for out of you. Its real up beat and snappy and I'm sure we could pollute the air waves with it and make it a hit and make lots of money. Ok I'm not going there today! But you catch my drift. So another day in paradise continues and I have some ground breaking news to share. Well as it seems Craig has a date tonight on his new boat with one of the neighbors that I don't seem to remember her name because I was a little drunk when I met her. Good luck to Craigy!! Try to envision this with me folks...Craig and his date with the sun setting on the crest of the beautiful lake Lavon...Oh wait this would be a great insertion..Mike McClure playing on the big wake board tower speakers"A bottle of wine and it all kicks in...and she forgets about where she's been...till he walks in and turns out the lights" How romantic folks!!! But I'm sure in Craig's case there will be some chilled Keystone's in the cooler along with a FOLD OVER!!!! Ha...I'm cracking myself up here!!! No serious good luck Craig. So I've put some more thought into a new sticker for the truck..like I don't already have enough...but this one will be different. I want to incorporate the red neck angelic wings that surround the nascar #3 or 8 whatever? I'm going to put the wings around a whacked out number like 41 and see what people think. And maybe just under it I'll write git er done...wow the things I see on vehicles these days..I guess I look like a scratcher with all of my music stickers but I don't think so. At least it's not the silhouette of Dallas with Martinez in crazy calligraphy underneath it. Ha!! Alright enough blabbering today! Hang tight

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Sealing Facts

For those of you interested in some Sealing Facts you can go to
This is an informative website that legitimatly shows how sealing is a natural resourse in many maritime communities in Canada. It would be similar to someone going out to Andrew's Texas and telling the people there they can no longer drill for oil because its bad for the environment. And we all know these extremist groups exist to pollute their own agendas. And whoever annonomusly posted that they've got their club ready...we are about to give a whole new meaning to going clubbin'...

Monday, June 06, 2005

Kill The Seals!!!

So yes I was going somewhere with why I was angry. Note to all those who want to get under my skin: Rip on Canada and you have yourself a war. Before I begin with this I want everyone to understand that these are only my feelings and not anything more than that. So it all starts out with a simple trip to the Pet Smart with Tiffany to get the little yellow lab (Sunny) her first id tag. Yes the pink heart to match the pink collar. Scene control I know boys. We get out of the car and I immediately notice a black bug or beetle or jetta who knows...all I know is it was similar to the one our gay friend in Colorado(Paul Hardcastle) used to drive up and down the highways and bi-ways..What drew my attention was a Canadian Flag with a big black X through it. The blood started flowing!! I was determined to find out what this was all about but I knew we were at the pet store for a reason and that a display of idiocy is not the way to impress the girl right. So I make a comment or two and go in the store hoping to just let it slide. Well it didn't and I was actually starting to shake I was getting so angry. Found some food for Roxy and when you are this mad you don't need a shopping cart for a 50 pound bag of dog food. Maybe the the idiot with the disrespected Canadian flag will see me carrying around this huge bag and think wow he must be Canadian with brute force. Oh the male mind what a wonderful thing. So we proceed to check out and get the tokens for the tag engraver...and this poor kid that kind of looks like a recruit for the X-Men is standing if front of the machine typing in his dogs name and address and he keeps getting to the point where he should put his tokens in and he just stares at the screen. At this point I smart off and say.."Hey I think you have to put tokens in" well he murmured something under his breath while turning around looking for mama...So I get this great idea "Tiff I'm going to go put the dog food in the car since it appears this might take awhile to use the machine" She said ok...I knew this was my opportunity to run outside and look at the car. So I get to the car and people are walking by it and laughing(not helping matters people)..and this thing is painted up with all kinds of bumper stickers no where near as cool as mine. And the one stands out..."Boycott Canadian Seafood" ..."Save the Seals"...Oh great now we've got a tree hugging issue with a fabulous member of PETA..well there are a ton of websites I've now discovered linked to this retard. Ok great you want to boycott Canadian Seafood then do it but don't dis-respect the flag. So I left a little note on the window to please call me sometime I would love to discuss your protest. Well the spineless individual has not contacted me yet but when they do I'm hopefully going to be educated enough to argue my point.Obviously seals have a great number of uses for us as humans because professionals don't kill animals if there is not a use. If they were endangered the Canadian gov't would step in and "save the seals"...but it the mean time its a natural resource of Canada and guess what its not going to stop. So with all of my power I left the Canadian Flag in tact but I envisioned myself ripping it down..maybe some other time!

Who's Angry?

So the curiosity has peaked today..what you ask? Oh yes its one of those philosophical days to wonder why we do what we do. Why we are interested in some of the very simple things that tweak our brains and why we act the way we do. I will leave fishing out of this blurb so all can follow along. Have you ever wondered why people get angry or frustrated? Some of the simplest things anger me but not nearly as bad as it used to. So maybe with age and maturity we learn or discover to keep things in check. I suppose for me the anger part was a product of my environment. I grew up playing aggressive sports and seemed to always be very competitive. I think once I realized that life is too short to worry about all of the little meaningless things it all started to slowly make some sense. The short fuse was definitely lengthened with age also..I used to blow up at the slightest little complication..this is where I think influences in your life come into play whether that be people or situations that you learn from...in my case its a combination of both. What's really interesting is now I find myself dealing with others that have the same struggles..this is where coaching stimulates my mind..every kid over the past 3 years have different issues to deal with. Some don't respond well to anything you tell them or encouragement you give them with while others feed off of it. I suppose the most rewarding situations are when a kid actually listens to what you are saying and follows through with it. That level of understanding that I'm referring to is difficult to reach with most high school aged kids...I know I was there once and I was probably one of the tougher one's to deal with. So I guess where I am going with all of this is that we can all offer something back to people in need of direction. So if there is something in your life that needs a little direction email me sometime..just kidding..Why am I being so serious today? I need to lighten up eh...

Friday, June 03, 2005

Spatter me please!!

That time again for a much inspired update into the likings of my personal life. Thanks to all groupies for inspiring me again. Ok seriously...have you heard the song "Truckin' Queen from OKC??" That is a very disturbing song..not even going there. So Craig gets back from Colorado and he sends me all of his pics...damn him..I wish I had been there. Its that time of year again when the mountains begin to call my name and the fishing gets cranked up. I'll probably sit around a little this weekend and get the old fly boxes back in order. I managed to (while sipping several Rainier's) lose my whole spinner box last year. To those who aren't following it a real picky fly to tie that imitates a Mayfly at its final stage of life basically spent. Kind of like when some of you float down rivers party hardy then attend a music function...still drinking mind you...and you finally hit the bed that is what spent to a mayfly feels like basically because they were just able to bump insect knees for the one time in their whole life. The life of a fly? In some cases they spend years under a rock at the bottom of a river until everything is just right. Ok where am I going with this I have no earthly idea. Spent almost a week down in Austin around the Lakeway area...I absolutely love it down there...The wedding went very well with the weather breaking right at 10:00 for a 12:00 wedding. Join me peeps in congratulating Ryan and Amanda Clark...they are currently in Cabo enjoying their honeymoon...ahh...Ok so do we have any wedding predictions to make next...hmmm...lets see..I would put money on Bryan being the next one married!!! That's right ole Cook tying the knot...settling down..starting the family...making little B's...I can see it now...one big happy family in FARM FRIENDLY WYLIE...where the city meets the Kountry!! Speaking of farming the old grapevine garden has finally taken off after several re-crops(word??)..The tomaters are a bloomin'...and it's only a matter of time I'll have to start shooting mocking birds to keep them out of there. I know what you are thinking Grapevine doesn't have near the quality of soil that Wylie has but folks you'd be surprised what you could grow in gumbo! Oh and so back to Austin...tried to go see the Reckless boys Sunday night but ol mother nature had a different plan so we decided to visit the little green bird and go home..I've lost my buddy again for several weeks to the opening of the Henry's Fork in Idaho..Bill left early Wednesday morning..well at least I will not consume as many miller lite's for a while. But it really sucks when he leaves...who else understands fishing? Tonight I think we are headed to Mikey Gilley's or whatever Gilley's to see Wade Bowen and his west of 84 tribe..Would really like to go see Bingham at Woodys but that place is like traveling to the moon and back. I'm actually curious to see if Matt Powell is still playing with Wade...Well I had better get back to working on my nun chuck skills.