Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Dogs. For those of you dog owners you will know where this stems from. We all dread the day. Well unfortuneatley it has happened to a good friend. Bryan I feel for you man! I still recall the day Bill's(neighbour) dog Missy died. I was out of town and she had was basically overtaken with cancer. She was a 12 year old english setter(black and white) and was an amazing bird dog. I'm just glad I got to see her actually sit on a point. Bill would tell me stories that in her prime she was so fast she would actually skid into birds and lay down with the birds right on her nose. That was a sad day...I recall I burned him a song that could choke anyone up. A Fred Eaglesmith song about a "good dog"..check it out if you have a chance.


Blogger courtney said...

OMG...stop. I can't even imagine losing my babies!!!

12:11 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

And a dog that sounds more mannered than most people I know. I know what you mean about the ears perked..and the self restraint from doing something they know is wrong. This really sucks man and its going to happen to us all at some point in time..i would trade losing my dog for anything else..$$ you name it! And the memories you hold..hang on to them..they are meant to be memories for a reason. I remember Roxy's first live bird retrieve and the joy she had on her face..and all to please me..dogs are man's best friends for a reason..the sad thing is we out live really should be the other way around..Again I feel for ya man!

10:49 AM  

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