Monday, June 06, 2005

Who's Angry?

So the curiosity has peaked today..what you ask? Oh yes its one of those philosophical days to wonder why we do what we do. Why we are interested in some of the very simple things that tweak our brains and why we act the way we do. I will leave fishing out of this blurb so all can follow along. Have you ever wondered why people get angry or frustrated? Some of the simplest things anger me but not nearly as bad as it used to. So maybe with age and maturity we learn or discover to keep things in check. I suppose for me the anger part was a product of my environment. I grew up playing aggressive sports and seemed to always be very competitive. I think once I realized that life is too short to worry about all of the little meaningless things it all started to slowly make some sense. The short fuse was definitely lengthened with age also..I used to blow up at the slightest little complication..this is where I think influences in your life come into play whether that be people or situations that you learn my case its a combination of both. What's really interesting is now I find myself dealing with others that have the same struggles..this is where coaching stimulates my mind..every kid over the past 3 years have different issues to deal with. Some don't respond well to anything you tell them or encouragement you give them with while others feed off of it. I suppose the most rewarding situations are when a kid actually listens to what you are saying and follows through with it. That level of understanding that I'm referring to is difficult to reach with most high school aged kids...I know I was there once and I was probably one of the tougher one's to deal with. So I guess where I am going with all of this is that we can all offer something back to people in need of direction. So if there is something in your life that needs a little direction email me sometime..just kidding..Why am I being so serious today? I need to lighten up eh...


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