Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Growing Old

Time for a quick blurb from the makings of brain fuel(coffee).
Where do we take it from here...rhinestone boots and new shinny cars...Bryan's got me thinkin' this morning about great songs and of course they just keep entering my noggin. Busy week/weekend coming up with the main kat tying the knot. Ryan and Amanda are getting married on Saturday and we have an extensive week planned. From long days on the boat to wild nights of being old and tying to muster up enough energy to stay awake. The days of being able to party like a rock star are over! And yes I know I'm old.. people tell me that everyday..I suppose I enjoy mowing the grass on a Saturday and figuring out how I'm going to control the fire ant raid after a rain. Oh when I'll sit down at the fly tying bench and spin a couple out. The joys of becoming old. Back to the weekend plans..Somewhere in there we have the rehersal dinner etc..the wedding..golf and I think I'm going to go see the Reckless boys at the Pier on lake Austin on Sunday..so yeah I think I'll be plenty busy. The brother calls yesterday and says I think I want to move to Montana..he's going through what I've been through and still think about every now and again. I'll get my fix here in a couple of months but its never easy coming back. So there has been this Eurasian dove spotted in the neighbourhood and I think I've seen him now but I'll get back to ya on that one. The dogs captured another possum last night and i knew better this time! Nice try possum..good to see you aren't dead yet. I've got a damn squirell problem..they keep eating all the camoflauge netting off my boat..I thought I had them taken care of a month ago when I loaded up the bb gun and put a few caps in them.."Time to get a gun...think I could afford one..if I did just a little less drinkin'" another great tune..Well I'm about to go to the dreaded dentist..just a cleaning but we all know what that can lead too..made sure I swilled plenty of coffee to make their job that much more pleasant!


Blogger courtney said...

my dad's favorite saying "it's hell gettin' old".

have a great time at the wedding! tell the main kat congrats!
i'll be just down the road from you a-floatin' the river.


9:00 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

What does your hip hurt from?

11:42 AM  

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