Monday, May 16, 2005


That’s right Break and Enter. Nothing quite like opening your vehicle and seeing your dash board sideways…where your cd player should be there’s a void…and there’s glass all over your passenger side seat and floor. That was exactly the turn of events for me Saturday morning. They managed to steal everything (almost everything) from my cd player, 2 cases of cd’s (heartbroken), and my work briefcase with everything in it from checks to bills, palm pilot etc. Have you ever had the feeling like you could pummel somebody and know it’s going to hurt? I immediately looked over fences for what I hoped would be my stuff but I didn’t find anything. So the police were called. That was an experience…damn just call 911 if you ever get in this situation especially in Dallas. “Sir would you like the North, East, South or West office?”…Ah I’d like the North one… “Ok which one would you like now the North north west…north north east”…. I was like whatever!! Just get me a pig. So after finally talking to someone I thought yeah I wanted the crime scene people out here…it wasn’t going to cost me money so I thought hmm…Bring on the CSI!! Who knows maybe Heratio might show up? Ha… So when the CSI shows she starts by saying none of this can be fingerprinted so I’m having my doubts about her and her combat boot attire (with matching pants). because don’t you know on CSI Miami and New York they can pull prints off of dirt and rocks and you name it…so in a subtle way I said “you mean this isn’t like csi Miami” she turned and gave me the token go to hell look and said “you don’t want to know what we call it” I guess that’s the real CSI ers!! So she finds some prints on the outside and says “these appear to be from a small hand” she looks at Tiffany and says “mam I’m going to have to take your prints!” Here’s where it gets real good…In front of all her neighbors and everyone from the scene she’s getting her prints taken on the hood of a squad car! To clear her from the crime! Ha! What a criminal! I suppose they were going to run her through the aphis system to check for priors! Ok this is getting long I know…long story short…they broke in Mike’s truck too and took a bunch of his stuff…well the Maintenance guy chased down three Mescan’s and caught one of them..the policia showed up and arrested him. They said he wasn’t talking…send Jack Bauer(From 24 on Fox) in there(that’s who I felt like I could have been)…I’ll make him talk…So anyhow we GOT EVERTHING BACK…everything!! One of the luckiest things that has probably ever happened to me…Good Saturday morning karma I suppose…hadn’t even had coffee yet either. Lesson for everyone to learn..don’t leave anything valuable in your vehicle..even if you think to yourself its only a truck and nobody wants anything in here…you should have seen the stuff they confiscated…flat panels, cd players etc…And for all those honest people still left in the world…Keep looking out for one another!!


Blogger courtney said...

oh my gosh...that sucks!!!
i can't believe you got everything back, you are so lucky!

alright. peace.


8:14 AM  
Blogger courtney said...

hehehe "mescans"

8:15 AM  

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