Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Think I have a Hillbilly Soul??

Sitting here staring at a stack of paper and not too terribly interested. So I blog

The river/birthday weekend went well...I still wish Float fest would have happened this year again in Tahlequah Ok...that was a so much better (river and music wise)...but the good thing about this particular trip was the peeps and the accommodations. We stayed for those that are vagly familiar with the Guad right above the third crossing. We had a view of the river and it was very well shaded and actually a pretty nice place. The smell of the well water was rather sulphuric but did the trick. So Friday we arrived after a nice ride down with the Cowboycrusher and Tiff...basically waiting on Craigers to get there because Tiff's friend from Houston (Sharon) had already arrived and kicked the door down. Actually she just had to push hard but it was a little sticky. Cool girl by the way and I was real impressed with how she managed to fit in with the diverse crowd. The door was a little tricky to open..I had to put my back into it..Then we snagged some lawn chairs and a few handfuls of beer and headed down the embankment or cliff what have you.. to the river...it was cold at first but felt great once you stayed in it. So the plan was to go eat at the Gristmill but because of all the late arrivals it was almost 9:00 and Ryan Bingham was going on at 9...so graciously Tiff decided to eat at the bar instead..so with back seats all full in everyone's cars...we all hopped in the big rig of "said" Hanes.

Ryan actually put on a great show..he was playing with a mandolin player and a snare drum backing him. Its been brought to my attention that I need to start paying better attention to my surroundings while the artist is performing. I'm rude and I don't talk to anyone while the music is playing.. I will admit to paying close attention and I guess under a normal bar setting I could get a little more friendly with my neighbours. So Friday night turned into me getting a little excited as I seem to do when I get a little intoxicated and I ended up running down to the river and laying in it with a flashlight...Hmm strange I know. Then a serious rasteling match took place...I was sound asleep in the usual "boxers" attire...sorry Courtney no thong over here...and someone probably the gaycrusher jumped on me and started asking for trouble the next thing I know...it's beatdown on Craig style!! Haymakers are flying everywhere and here are three supposedly grown men giggling like girls(especially Wayne) chunking each other down the rock stairs and so on...And for some reason Wayne and I were screaming "Amos says" "Amos Says"...I still don't remember that part! Well Tiff managed to get the whole thing or most of it on video..priceless to see Wayne's frog leap into the pile..And Sharon in the back ground going "oh gross someone's thigh"...just be glad it was only my white thigh...We will have to make this video available to the public soon.

Ok with all that said Saturday started off well lets say rather interesting. We just couldn't seem to all get going fast enough for the speedy peeps..so with the back seats full...some left a little early and decided to float the river by themselves...So "10" minutes later we all left for the the tube stop. Rented tubes filled up on ice and we were off. Should only take you four hours to float...my ass!! 7 and a half hours later we finally reached our destination...But fun was had by all! What a blast! I bounced off a few rocks at the second to last rapid section and it really didn't feel too hot. Saturday night we sat around and grilled and listened to music. Really relaxing weekend.

Oh and before I continue someone forgot to pay over the weekend..you know who you are and don't make me send a menorah knee breakin' crew after you boy....ahh..or girl..identity protection is in place

I think the tubing days may soon be coming to an end though. The raft idea looks so much cooler! Oh and how could I forget the Ed Burleson experience..the crazy Canadian screams out..hey that's Ed Burleson.."What's up Ed?" He responds with a little singing rendition of "Honky Tonk heart and a hillbilly soul"!!!...and I respond with "gets me in trouble everywhere I go..." Perschiate that one!! I'd a looked like a big idiot if there was no response..well I normally look like a big idiot anyhow..not a big deal..


Blogger Andrew said...

No..no sarcasim at all!! Just something that a lot of people have noted to me over the years and I think I need to pay attention to it!

10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom said I will have to see that video. Sounds like fun.

8:16 PM  
Blogger courtney said...

after my river trip, i was told that i wanted to go swimming when we got back from the bar. lucky for me i was warned by someone in better shape that there are snakes in that damn river at night. good thing. cause me no likey snakes.

sounds like fun...gotta love the river.


8:44 AM  

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