Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Growing Old

Time for a quick blurb from the makings of brain fuel(coffee).
Where do we take it from here...rhinestone boots and new shinny cars...Bryan's got me thinkin' this morning about great songs and of course they just keep entering my noggin. Busy week/weekend coming up with the main kat tying the knot. Ryan and Amanda are getting married on Saturday and we have an extensive week planned. From long days on the boat to wild nights of being old and tying to muster up enough energy to stay awake. The days of being able to party like a rock star are over! And yes I know I'm old.. people tell me that everyday..I suppose I enjoy mowing the grass on a Saturday and figuring out how I'm going to control the fire ant raid after a rain. Oh when I'll sit down at the fly tying bench and spin a couple out. The joys of becoming old. Back to the weekend plans..Somewhere in there we have the rehersal dinner etc..the wedding..golf and I think I'm going to go see the Reckless boys at the Pier on lake Austin on Sunday..so yeah I think I'll be plenty busy. The brother calls yesterday and says I think I want to move to Montana..he's going through what I've been through and still think about every now and again. I'll get my fix here in a couple of months but its never easy coming back. So there has been this Eurasian dove spotted in the neighbourhood and I think I've seen him now but I'll get back to ya on that one. The dogs captured another possum last night and i knew better this time! Nice try possum..good to see you aren't dead yet. I've got a damn squirell problem..they keep eating all the camoflauge netting off my boat..I thought I had them taken care of a month ago when I loaded up the bb gun and put a few caps in them.."Time to get a gun...think I could afford one..if I did just a little less drinkin'" another great tune..Well I'm about to go to the dreaded dentist..just a cleaning but we all know what that can lead too..made sure I swilled plenty of coffee to make their job that much more pleasant!

Friday, May 20, 2005

Week Three!!!!

I'm not discouraged by the lack of comments on the musical meltdown...If I have to do this as a public service where people can maybe learn something about an artist/band..then so be it. We continue with week three! I get all excited about this so bare with me. I also want to comment on what seems to be happening at least here in Dallas/Ft.Worth. Something is in the air these days...its finally starting to catch on and people I think are finally not only listening to this brand of music(original..real etc) but they are starting to absorb it. Really listening! And because of this the live shows are starting to become more and more packed. I hope its not just a rare occurrence but I hope people are really catching on! I can't tell you how many people I introduced to this scene and its so easy to tailor what their tastes are to what they would like. Ok so get on with this boy..you say..here you go

1. Wayne"The Train" Hancock- http://www.waynehancock.com/
Yes this will definitely stir up one person in particular. Bryan fire away. The so called master of hillbilly swing. Very different voice and very different overall. He is definitely original in the truest sense of the word. Probably my favorite would have to be "Thunderstorms and Neon Signs"

2. Quatropaw- http://www.geocities.com/quatropaw/
The Austin installment for the week. This is a very unique group that I stumbled across on one of my Austin adventures. I'm pretty sure it was at Antone's and the sucker that I am I bought a cd. After like one song I really dug the sound..picture two lead singers male and female both with acoustic guitars playing them like electric guitars. It was really cool! The female had an scratchy incredible voice that I thought reminded me of like a Joplin ese sound. Again I've only seen them live once but do own a cd and I would definitely recommend you Austinites check them out.

3. Red Bud Revival- http://www.redbudrevival.com/main.html
And what would a musical blog be without our friends from across the red. I have heard of these guys on the Oklahoma scene before but it was until a guy that I work with told me about them that its sparked some curiosity. Eric Shutt has his own band called The Mermaid Surprise which we will discuss at a later date. He produced or worked with these guys on their last album and mentioned them to me. Well as it turns out I think I may have seen them before but its a little foggy. I'm not real familiar with their music but I've heard good things about these guys. I recently spoke to Travis Linville about them and he had many good things to say(I'd trust his judgment!).

4. The Tragically Hip- http://www.thehip.com/
Talk about a very unheard of group down here but legends in the mother land of Canada. These guys are the Canadian band that many measure up too. The standard if you may! For reals...check out this "busy" website! I would say this band formed much of my musical interest growing up in Canada in the late 80's and early 90's. I seriously tell people that while everyone and their dog was listening to REM and U2 I wasn't...this is what I was listening too. In my opinion their album "Road Apples" is one of the greatest albums I've ever owned. If you get a chance try and download or listen to some songs off of it. A real rock and roll sound with everything just so right. And to all my friends out there kick me in the arse the next time you are over and make me pull this album out for your listening pleasures! Seriously folks "The Hip" as they're referred to as are the kickin.

5. Bleu Edmondson- http://www.bleuedmondson.com/index.php Not really sure where to go with this one. I'm sure the comment section will take good care of this one. Not a real big fan in fact here's a guy that has big wigged me before and it didn't go over so well. He has probably one of the better guitar players playing with him in none other than Coby Wier. Coby is an outstanding talent that deserves to be in a better situation(thats only my opinion). Bleu has some ok material but I just have that bad taste in my mouth..plus acoustically solo he blows. Ok enough ranting...I'm not on here to bash artists. Say what you will I won't be offended.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Wicked Twisted Road

Thats the name of Reckless Kelly's new albumn. Its been out for a couple of months and I've listened to it over and over and love it. Ok to the point for once...Name me either a band or a song and I'm looking for an instrumental that just sets you free. I'm aware of some of the greats by Jerry Reed and Buck Owens but seriously give Track 13 from Wicked Twisted Road a spin to see what I mean. Its actually a reprise from the title track (track 1) Wicked Twisted Road...this song is what I think makes Reckless Kelly different from any other band out there. The way their sounds all blend (instrumentally) is incredible. I haven't even got to the point that I've seen the Braun brothers all on stage together accoustically and talk about western harmonies!! Ok enough you get it right!

Monday, May 16, 2005


That’s right Break and Enter. Nothing quite like opening your vehicle and seeing your dash board sideways…where your cd player should be there’s a void…and there’s glass all over your passenger side seat and floor. That was exactly the turn of events for me Saturday morning. They managed to steal everything (almost everything) from my cd player, 2 cases of cd’s (heartbroken), and my work briefcase with everything in it from checks to bills, palm pilot etc. Have you ever had the feeling like you could pummel somebody and know it’s going to hurt? I immediately looked over fences for what I hoped would be my stuff but I didn’t find anything. So the police were called. That was an experience…damn just call 911 if you ever get in this situation especially in Dallas. “Sir would you like the North, East, South or West office?”…Ah I’d like the North one… “Ok which one would you like now the North north west…north north east”…. I was like whatever!! Just get me a pig. So after finally talking to someone I thought yeah I wanted the crime scene people out here…it wasn’t going to cost me money so I thought hmm…Bring on the CSI!! Who knows maybe Heratio might show up? Ha… So when the CSI shows she starts by saying none of this can be fingerprinted so I’m having my doubts about her and her combat boot attire (with matching pants). because don’t you know on CSI Miami and New York they can pull prints off of dirt and rocks and you name it…so in a subtle way I said “you mean this isn’t like csi Miami” she turned and gave me the token go to hell look and said “you don’t want to know what we call it” I guess that’s the real CSI ers!! So she finds some prints on the outside and says “these appear to be from a small hand” she looks at Tiffany and says “mam I’m going to have to take your prints!” Here’s where it gets real good…In front of all her neighbors and everyone from the scene she’s getting her prints taken on the hood of a squad car! To clear her from the crime! Ha! What a criminal! I suppose they were going to run her through the aphis system to check for priors! Ok this is getting long I know…long story short…they broke in Mike’s truck too and took a bunch of his stuff…well the Maintenance guy chased down three Mescan’s and caught one of them..the policia showed up and arrested him. They said he wasn’t talking…send Jack Bauer(From 24 on Fox) in there(that’s who I felt like I could have been)…I’ll make him talk…So anyhow we GOT EVERTHING BACK…everything!! One of the luckiest things that has probably ever happened to me…Good Saturday morning karma I suppose…hadn’t even had coffee yet either. Lesson for everyone to learn..don’t leave anything valuable in your vehicle..even if you think to yourself its only a truck and nobody wants anything in here…you should have seen the stuff they confiscated…flat panels, cd players etc…And for all those honest people still left in the world…Keep looking out for one another!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Week Two

That time again for the second installment of the musical meltdown. Thanks to those who posted their thoughts last week. Keep em’ coming! This week I feel we have a fairly good mix of variety. Remember to be open and honest about everything. Play ball.

1. Old Crow Medicine Show- http://www.crowmedicine.com/ First of all not to be confused with the old Oklahoma band Medicine Show. Not sure where these guys hail from but definitely worth a spin. Kinda twangy with a sure hint of bluegrass. I’ve heard a few songs on the radio and really dig their music. One song comes to mind in particular..a song called “wagon wheel”—check this song out for sure. Let me know anything about these guys you can find..they aren’t scheduled to play in this area but who knows we are a major market and with the right following maybe someone will pick them up.

2. Jay Farrah- http://www.jayfarrar.net/ Yes this is the Jay Farrah from the greatness that was Uncle Tupelo and Son Volt. I believe he still does a gig or two with Son Volt but has been on his own for some time. He has released a few solo projects one of which I’m not sure I care too much for. Its Terroir Blues..its way too mellow with very little to get excited about. Great lyrics but hard to get into. With that said this guy is a pioneer of sorts with a track record of great material. We will cover the Tupelo/Son Volt thing later on but this is a good starting point. Dating back to the late 80’s early 90’s he was working with Doug Sahm and the whole Cedar Creek Recording greats like Lloyd Maines etc.. Check him out!

3. The Duhks- http://www.duhks.com/index.php The Canadian band installation for the week. Pronounced “The Dukes” And no I didn’t find out about this group because they are signed to Sugar Hill(reckless etc..) So you guys can’t say there he goes again… I actually heard some material on the radio and I really like it. Takin’ it back to traditional sounds with some bad ass harmonies..you should check them out..And for all the ladies out there I highly recommend a listen..two girls in the band! Formed in the bitter cold that is Winnepeg Manitoba.

4. Stoney LaRue- http://www.stoneylarue.com/ Stoney is in my opinion one of the best entertainers that you can possibly pay to see. A very good if not great guitar player Stoney can play by himself with an acoustic guitar and just take over an entire audience. Here’s a guy that wears every bit of his heart on his sleeve and gives you everything he’s got. He will never big shot you..always appreciates you as a fan and for that has my A OK(okie)…Has a new album coming out hopefully soon produced by the greatness that is McClure..be looking for it here soon.

5. Shaun Nelson And The Ramblers- http://www.shawnnelsonmusic.com/ Obviously led by Shaun Nelson this is an interesting group. I’ve had the opportunity to be around these guys in some very cool settings. Well cool to me but might appear to be strange to others. Here’s the abbreviated history lesson…Mooke Mayrath(bad ass rhythm) the drummer lived with Jeff Hutchings in Austin and very early on when they were in the band Crazy Chester I had the pleasure of sitting in on some very cool jam sessions(late night). From there due to some band complications Mooke and Shaun started the Ramblers(might not be right but sounds good)..I’ve got both the Ramblers CD and the Crazy Chester and they both combine some very cool well put together songs with a very different touch. Go to their website and check out some downloads to see what I mean. Some of the nicest guys in the world and I really hope they can continue to make a go at this scene with all the talent they have.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Playin' Possum

Playing possum has now taken on new form in my noggen...I was about to go to bed last night so I went to get the dogs and I see this thing in the dark laying there? It was a possum that appeared to have been run through a blender full of dog drool!! Laying there all limp and soggy..very lifeless I went and got a flashlight so I could be sure it wasn't a damn sewer rat or something that might have grown out of my garden of death. I figured I would just shovel it into the trash but first I had to get the dogs away from it. Once I determined it was a dead possum I put the dogs away and grabbed a shovel. The possum was gone..the hunting instinct took over...I looked everywhere(neighbors think I'm crazy) out there with a flashlight(dewalt 18v) looking for what I thought to be a dead possum...So the point of this to all my possum finders..beware it might not be dead....It's just playing possum!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Where'd all the good people go?

So I suppose all it takes is to drive around one morning in this so called Metro Mess…and you will understand where I’m coming from. People! Have we forgotten what courtesy is? Just the simple things from a friendly wave when someone does something nice for you. I’m not going to rant and rave about this..just a friendly service reminder that we are all stuck here…so behave! Have fun and be nice!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Week one (Lets Hear Your Opinions)

So here we are with the beginning of something I think we can all get excited about. This will become a weekly thing involving 5 different artists. Everyone can comment on any of the artists or all of the artists that they want too. I will email everyone with a link to my blog each week the five artists. This was all inspired from Bryan's blog about Texas music. We will go beyond just Texas music and open this up to anything that applies to good music. Under the umbrella of country,alt.country,american,celtic,blues,jazz..but mainly anything that has country infused with anything that sounds great. We all know some of the best music can't be classified because its(key word)ORIGINAL..This will also allow some of us closed minded individuals(myself included) to learn more about an artist or even listen before we comment. Feel free to post website links to the artists or to articles you have found about the artists. Have Fun!!

Week One:

1. Asylum Street Spankers
2. Bob Schneider
3. Shooter Jennings
4. Django Walker
5. Tom Skinner