Monday, August 01, 2005

Earthquake Survival Tales

Now that you have read the story in the above link you can follow along. Most of you I'm sure heard about the 5.6 earthquake that rocked Southwestern Montana late this past week. Well I'm here to give my account. Thats right folks I survived an earthquake. Actually I was a little intoxicated and couldn't really put two and two together. It had been a typical all day fishing experience and we hadn't got back to the cabin until 9:00 or so. We were well into the hefty Moose Drool beer and had switched over to Mr. Beam. So as you can imagine I was very relaxed. When all of a sudden Bill gets up to go use the facilities and everything starts shaking. I remember looking up and thinking to myself "why is he in the attic"? Then I realized there is no attic. "So why is he on the roof?" All this time I was looking at a mouted moose head on the wall shaking and a main 16" main beam log shaking at least a foot. Then it quit. Bill said he didn't feel a thing probably becuase he was a little numb. But he told me that I had probably just experienced a minor earthquake. I thought hmm? Whatever I'm just drunk. So the next morning we heard on the national news which is a big thing in an area seculeded from everything. That a 5.6 had happened near Dilon MT. Kind of a wierd deal to go through but different. To all those Madsen and Knippers Associates out there take note because Montana may be your next visit. Look for an upcoming update of the whole trip here in a couple of days. I've got about 6 pages written so far but its mostly boreing fishing stuff to most. I will probably post it in the angling journal. Wierd being back in an Air Conditioned room. Wierd waking up and not having to put on a polar flece because it's only 31 degrees. Glad to be back though! Went by Bryans blog to see what appears to be a kegerator of some sort with a bar. Great to see inovation in progress!!


Blogger Andrew said...

Ha! I purposely spelt their company name wrong to see if I could stir up a reaction of sorts! "Somebody better call Earthquake Hanes"!!

11:13 AM  
Blogger courtney said...

i slept through an earthquake in alaska. and i wasn't even drunk. no kidding. of course i was only 13.

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dad said why are you not working for a newspaper or something like that. Like a Garrison Keillor. He tells stories from Lake Wobegon, it is just all made up but it it funny.We have tapes on his stories, we will bring them down in September.Dad read all of your blogs, impressed. DAd

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dad said why are you not working for a newspaper or something like that. Like a Garrison Keillor. He tells stories from Lake Wobegon, it is just all made up but it it funny.We have tapes on his stories, we will bring them down in September.Dad read all of your blogs, impressed. DAd

6:28 PM  

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