Monday, July 18, 2005

Pesky Pelican's

Thought I would send out a quick little update. The office move is officially over and I now have access again to a computer. Like the new office but I'm not getting attached.
So the weekend was a fun filled one. Friday night Wayne joined Tiff and I for some dinner at the La Ha as Courtney calls it. Love those Fajitas! I had to work on Saturday but I did manage to get a vacation day out of it that I plan on using to go to Destin,FL in September with Tiff and the fam. Always looking on the bright side. Saturday evening we went over to the Aunt and Uncle's for some good eats and treats. It was Brad's(brother) birthday so we consumed a little wine and had my mom's famous oreo cookie cake for desert. I forgot how good that was! Sunday it was back in the yard to repair dog holes and mow the grass.
I leave Friday for the first of my summerly Montana fishing get-a-ways. I've been frequenting Montana for about the last 8 or 9 years every summer. I really love it up there and wish at times I could have more of that environment. Financially though Montana wouldn't pay the bills. I see it every year and I enjoy it while I'm there but deep down I know I would struggle to make a decent living or at least one that I'm accustomed to now.
So I go..I fish..I drink Moose Drool(MT beer)..I take in the mountains..the river otters playing with each other while swimming up stream looking for a quick meal...The Bald eagle that sits atop his perch high above every other creature around in an area that is called a wetlands preserve...birds all over..stuff it may take most a lifetime to see are all living together..Oh and the great American Pelicans can't wait to see those boys again. This year I come prepared. Look these pelicans up sometime..they are freakin huge! And when only 1/3 of your body is out of the water while wading try to fathom a bird that kind of intimidates you. A bird that will actually try and snatch a fish right off of your line. I've seen it happen! Its been rumored that the old guys..or the locals have been known to tote a pistol or a sling shot to solve this problem. The crusty old fly fisherman totally fits the profile of a pelican hunter. I'm a little nervous of actually killing one but I would love to dismantle one. You know maybe bust a wing or knock an eye out. For this I carry stones. Just like David vs. Goliath. Last year I about went for a long swim trying to fetch rocks out of the water while wading in chest deep water. So this time I'm going to have some select metamorphic rocks to chunk their way.
Have you ever met a walking heart attack? Someone who is so stressed all the time and so worked up even over the smallest things in a day. I guess I look at that person and wonder how it can be. How can such irrelevant things matter so much?
Well Its almost quittin' time here and folks I've got big doings tonight. Take care of yourselves


Blogger courtney said...

what up drew?
i hope you have a great trip!!
i can't imagine shooting anything. well...except a person trying to break into my house or a beer can. i'll bust a cap.

later kat.

11:25 AM  

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