Wednesday, August 10, 2005

This just in...

The perpetual update as I know it:
1. The song that I noted a couple of month’s back that I found rather disturbing (Paul might like it). About the truckin queen from OKC. Well yeah its a Dale Watson song and I have come to find out its a true song about a guy who's handle is "Trukin' Queen" and he gets on the cb and actually talks like the guy in the song. Very weird.
2. If your breath stinketh brush your teeth
3. Looking forward to spending some time in Montana again this Friday..probably more of a golf oriented trip.
4. Going to miss a great Canadian Peter Jennings!
5. Quote of the week "I never intentionally used steroids"
6. My neighbour across the street passed on this week. He was a very successful businessman and mowed his lawn very regularly. Mac Jameson you will be missed.7. "Ropel" for digging dogs may be the ticket
7. 84 degrees in Texas on August the 10th!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope your trip's relaxing, fun, low-scoring(!), Andrew. Just ruminating on the origin of your blog's title, "The Hanger". It's bad when I ruminate... Is the hanger a:

Big place where planes park?

Person you want to go away but won't?

Something to put clothes upon?

Bungee booger scooting in and out of your nostril?

Little ball of shit caught on your butt hairs?


What? What is the hanger?

Enquiring minds want to know.

8:26 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Regards man...actually the hanger is derived from yes a place for planes to live. I like to refer to it as more of a relaxing place people can come and "hang" at. Where all topics are open. Montana is beautiful as here last night and it was a mere 60 degrees..gotta go..playing golf today

10:06 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I suppose ever since you purchased a Volks Wagon Jetta we being your friends have curiousities about your orientation. Nothing wrong with that just noting that you might be in question. We still love you man!!!

10:08 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

so jealous of your time in montana.. i loved wyoming and montana's always been on my list!

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I was a truckin' man
I'd be a gear jammer with a one-armed tan
I'd spend my nights in the roadhouse
Days on the lost highway
Hey, if I was a truckin' man
I'd have my radio screamin' on the AM band
All night drivin' by dashboard lights
If I was a truckin' man

(guess who posted this)

7:40 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Either Dale himself...or bryan "the real deal" cook..Remind me to tell you guys about running into reckless kelly in the salt lake airport on the way up here.

6:48 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Either Dale himself...or bryan "the real deal" cook..Remind me to tell you guys about running into reckless kelly in the salt lake airport on the way up here.

6:48 AM  

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