Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Watch Where You Mow

The Neighbour saga continues and this may top the cake. I should have written this before he stopped me in the driveway yesterday and apologized. But here we go...So Friday I get off at noon and I came home and immediately began mulching leaves. This is a family event that my uncle John instilled in me when I first moved here. There is one small problem. Last year my wonderful neighbour didn't bag up one leaf...so I ended up doing my lawn several times to take care of everything that blew into my yard. Good times but I love mowing and mulching and bagging...yeah ok..so Friday I decided to mow a little into his yard to help him out or mainly to give him some kind of initiative to get off his fat arse and do it himself. So basically I cut about two strips over my property line big deal right...Well wrong..The next morning Tiff and I were doing projects around the house and she said to me.."What is your neighbour doing?" I looked out the front window and he's pacing around like a little spoiled kid who didn't get his way. So I said " Who knows he's really strange" But because of his frantic pace I kept watching..good thing I did because he was parked in the middle of the road and he starts pounding a stake into what appeared to be our property corner or pin right. So I said ok enough.."I'm going out to talk to him" ...by this time I'm starting to get that shake with the fists thing that I don't think Tiff has seen yet and has been absent from my hockey career as of the last year or so. So I walk up and he's giving me the stare down...first of all his name is Franklin Overstreet and he's much bigger but with a name like that I'm not worried a bit. So I return the glare and say "What are you doing" and he replies "marking the property line!" I said, "Oh I'm sorry if I mowed over into your yard I was trying to get as many of the leaves that I could...I thought I was doing you a favor." Here’s where it gets good...he says "This is America not Canada...." I jumped in and said "oooohhh you're going to play that card are ya?" At this point I was hot and ready to fly off...he says "yeah in America if you continue to mow this you can take it over its the fn' law” I said "You crazy..I don't want your lawn! What’s wrong with you?" " You are a strange duck"...he says "first of all I'm not a duck I'm Franklin Overstreet"...whatever I said "you're one strange dude!" "I'm not a dude" ...well you're an idiot then! I couldn't believe what he was saying...I've never had anyone in 13 years of living here ever say that to me. I said to him "Are you going to say that to the Mexicans down there(they were mowing go figure)..And he says, "Yeah if they are on my property!" What a nut case..this is the same guy with the No Trespassing sign in his driveway...we live in the city mind you. So I basically made him take the stupid stake out and then he goes into how my old roommate would have parties..I said yeah I kicked him out 4 months ago when you complained..the guy just kept on and on..and said some more things but basically I just walked away shaking..I'm real proud of myself for not stopping on his head! I came close and controlled my temper..but it was tough. So with the apology last night in my driveway he said his wife chewed him out and so did his sister! Ha! And then he says good thing we walked away when we did you being a hockey player and all. I just bit my tongue and apologized as well and moved on. Sometimes you just have to get things said and done and in the end the situation is much better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kinda turnin in to a sissy Drew, should beat his overstreet ass.

12:10 PM  
Blogger courtney said...

"i'm not a duck"
that is f'in hilarious!!!!

what a loser.

6:39 AM  

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