Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Ear Phone??

Ok let me first defend the earpiece before I go to ripping on morons. I use an earpiece while driving but its plugged into my phone its not wireless. I use it because I truly believe that it makes me a better driver. I have to talk on the phone while driving and at work. I'm sure wireless is that much better but that’s not what bothers me. What is up with the middle aged man that thinks that having a phone stuck in their ear is cool. They look like some sort of Data from Star Trek Volcanoid or something. And there's more than just one brand. I saw one this weekend at a small little pizza joint on a Sunday of all days. This guy was with his wife and baby and couldn't stay off of it. And you never know when he's off because it never leaves his ear. Are we that sick and dependent on the cell phone? Believe me when I'm not at work I can't stand the phone and will only answer it for friends. Ok to another subject but first...if you have one of those wireless ear phones don't be surprised one day if I run up behind you and slam your head in one big clapping motion. I'll just be doing product testing!
Trash days are Mondays and Thursdays. So the tird neighbour decides to start putting out small pieces of trash at the end of our shared rear driveway one piece at a time. I swear when brains were given out they tried but somehow they slipped and his head hit the concrete. The trash guys have had it and won't pick up his pieces anymore so I've had an empty large Ozarka jug at the end of my driveway for two weeks now. I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do because this isn't the first time I've picked up his crap. One day the birds got into his trash that was out there 3 days early. He didn't pick anything up! When I finally asked him about it 3 days later he did a half ass job. Typical for lazy people. I think I may just throw it in his back yard. This is the same guy that calls me when my dog barks because he and Miss Piggy can't sleep. And the same Miss Piggy that approaches me about how my dogs get excited at 8:00 or so when I leave them in the kennel...somebody can't sleep..well the rest of the world goes to work. Then he tries to tell me "oh we are going to fix this place up real nice"...Great I say!! Start by mowing the lawn more than once a month!
Can you tell I miss my sane neighbours that have been in Montana for the past couple of months? Bill hurry home there's a cold beer waiting on you!


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