Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Shoot Your Own Limit!!!!

I haven't really written anything of any substance in a while. There have been lots of happenings going on and plenty of things to keep me busy. I continue on my no-TV ban that I began trekking on a couple of years ago before the idiot roommate lived with me for six months. His mush mind couldn't get by without it. I guess the difficult part is when something significant happens in the news I don't hear about it or really get it until a few days after most. I check the computer almost everyday (at work of course). Lately the Hurricane stuff is dominating the news and for good reason. I couldn't believe the picture of the city of New Orleans. It looks like somewhere in northern Canada. Lakes forming between buildings! I guess the media just hypes every hurricane and we become accustomed to them hitting nowhere near as powerful as they were projected. Well this one did. And the damage it’s causing is crazy. I've lived in Tejas (where we are now the minority) for almost 13 years and until about the last 5 I can't seem to remember there being this many hurricanes? Maybe they just weren't publicized. Or maybe like the JW's (Jehovah witnesses) said on my front door about the end coming? Maybe they are onto something...and about that time I decided to argue religion with them. Not a good idea to send your little one's door-to-door if you are trying to convince people about your beliefs. Especially when someone as crusty as I comes to the door. That was frustrating..asking two teenaged girls why they don't believe in Jesus.
Ok back on track...I looked into the new hockey season for the first time last night and was curious as to the happenings. For a more detailed outlook go to Bryan's blog. I am shocked at just how low the salaries are and I'm real impressed by it. I wish the other sports could follow lead. I'm sure some would argue that foozeball started this trend but I would bet without even looking up numbers that the hockey guys are paid far less. So look out affordability! I'm sure all the boob jobs and cokeheads in Dallas have already bought up all the tickets so they have a place to socialize. Just my opinion.
The eldest dog definitely senses something. I swear that dog is smarter than most people. She knows when I start digging around for certain items. I think I'm more excited for her because that’s what she lives for. The opportunity to chase down fowl and bring them too me. And she's damn good at it too!
Been spending a little time at the tying bench lately trying to come up with my version of the purple haze. Many that you find in the fly shops have a floss type body...not natural enough for me..I managed to find some purple rabbit hare dubbing. Plus I think it adds buoyancy to the fly. I know this is where many of you tune out so I'm moving on.
"Castroville was founded in 1842 by Henri Castro, for whom it is named." That is where I'll be located this weekend for the big opener! Hope all you boys in Moody have fun and remember the main reason why Wayne even invites you. So he can shoot your limit for you then run behind some cedars and clean the birds in his bag...run over to the cooler...grab a couple of beers and go back to shooting your limits. Come thru for me boys keep him to one limit a day! It all starts with getting your guns off of the shoulder mount position...gear up and shoot! And when he gets real drunk and starts spattering about game wardens in helicopters he is telling the truth! Every morning there are at least 6 fat dove sitting on a wire above my house. I look and I say, "Just you wait..my day is coming" Coo coo all you want I'll have the last word. Go get em!


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